Saturday, January 1, 2011


The first blog of the new year. I have worn out my use of this tree for shots on the blog. It is of now of no worry as the tree came down this morning.

Friday we had an ice storm and the temperatures drop to unbearable.  The windchill was to be a negative 5 or 8 degrees, F.  Very few people could venture out anywhere New Years eve.  We will be warming up to 18 degrees but the gust of 45 mph wind from the south doesn't make it feel warm.

This is the scene of where we ate our meal for the evening.  The table isn't set yet but I was experimenting to see if the camera would shoot candle light.

This morning I separated the large glass blown ornaments from the small ones and placed them into boxes.  It is going to call for another tree for next year, but I missed all the sales.  Teddie bears shown as small little guys which do have a lot of hand painting on them.

These are my oldest ornaments and they really are not antique. They are over 35 years old and were created with the idea of the old original ornaments of old.  The green acorn was from my wife's family tree and it is antique.

The tree was taken down first as we wanted to watch the birds feeding outside. It wasn't easy to sit at the table without leaning to the side to watch the birds.

I am not a football fan so we are napping and watching This Old House of pbs.  Everyone, dogs and people are cuddling close to keep warm as the wind continues to blow making our house cool.

The changing of the calendar year date really is just another day beyond from the day before and I am hoping that all of you have a blessed New Year in the months of 2011.

Thanks for sticking by and supporting this spot......I trust that I can catch up on my blog reading soon.


  1. Happy New Year's Day! I have really enjoyed your Christmas decorations. The dining table looks beautiful and I imagine it's lots of fun to watch the birds from there as you dine. We've had a woodpecker (unknown to us) outside the window that we keep trying to photograph so someone can identify it. We were sunny and warm yesterday but lots of rain and thunder today. May God bless you and give you peace in the new year.

  2. I just saw your entry over at Retirement Chronicles for the "Nostalgia" theme, and I am just SO IMPRESSED. If it doesn't win, it certainly deserves to. Fabulous!

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family, Larry. Take care in these icy temperatures you're having.
    We took one tree down this evening at my Dad's house, and have another one to take down when we get home to Edinburgh tomorrow. I've enjoyed seeing your decorations this Christmas season.

  4. Hi Larry, That photo of the 1950 Pontiac is wonderful..Far Guy tells me that the hood ornament used to light!
    Time to put the ornaments away..we de decorated the downstairs tree..the upstairs tree is still a source of enjoyment for me with all the antique ornaments.
    I find the best ornaments at Garage sales and Antique for me the hunt is never over. How many is too many anyway? :)
