Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can Collection.......

I have spoken of a couple who lived on a farm south of Murray.  They saved everything and their house seemed like a living history farm.  When they moved to town, my John and Iva connection had various old containers that they were throwing away.  I liked the colors and designs and they thought it strange that I wanted them.

As a series, I will blog each can, to show you what they look like more closely than in this still life. 

John and Iva have been gone for many years and I try visit their graves each year. Their furniture lives with me daily and sometime I dig out some things like this to review what I have. They had fours sons and one died in France in WW 2.  The other three sons are still alive.

  Of the three sons living I have contact with the one who is Loren Horton.  Sadly his wife Carol is suffering with liver cancer. They are actually step cousins, if I were trying to identify relationships, but to me they always have been John and Iva's kids. My Grandmother married into the family to Iva's brother. Their kids are probably in their early 80's now.
Loren was  the manager of the Des Moines Historical Building in downtown Des Moines.  He writes and publishes poetry and is still involved in things at the University of Iowa area.  His wife Carol sang professionally most of her life and churches still  hire her to sing. She is still in area performing choirs.

The cans will evolve in my blogs to come.  I am back to working at school as a sub so I am becoming busier.  So stretching out the cans will keep my material coming for  you.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. First, I'd like to say I'm sorry about Carol's liver cancer and will remember her in prayer. The cans are lovely and so colorful and interesting. What a great collection. Look forward to learning more about each one.

  2. Those are some cool cans..can you date them? :)

  3. With you back at school, our loss will be the kid's gain. But you can keep me happy for months to come with these can illustrations. Such simple things, but such things of beauty.

  4. These are works of art in themselves. Take care to conserve your energy now you're back at the 'chalk face' as we call it in the UK.

  5. Hi Larry, I found your blog after a visit to Far Side of Fifty. These old cans are so interesting and great to photograph. And looking at an earlier post of Maine photos brought back memories of our month long road trip thru Maine this past Oct - great place to visit (again and again). We were at the top of Cadillac Mtn in heavy fog so didn't get the scenic vistas. Please do stop by our bog for a visit when you get the chance - we appreciate any and all comments and always reply!
