Friday, January 28, 2011

Tin can alley......

More coffee cans to show. I don't understand why they would call it bakerized but maybe they thought back then that roasted was not as desirable. 

Another steel cut coffee from my own state of Iowa.  I suppose the grinding devices were made from steel.  I also had not thought of it before but most of the time back then it was sold as beans and wasn't ground into coffee like today.  I suppose these cans helped to convince people pre-ground coffee would be a good product to buy.

I am on day three of my forced diet of hot tea and crackers. I still have no desire for coffee but I am eating some food besides jello.  It warmed up above freezing today and that was a great thing. 

Thanks for stopping by..........


  1. The wonderful thing about them is that they are so colourful, and somehow so redolent of their time.

  2. I LOVE old cans!
    Keep on feeling better :)
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Very cool cans..I hope you are feeling better soon..that was some bug:(
