Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seeking color.........

A close view of a painting by one of my former students.  It is a painting on a large sheet of glass.

A decorative page from an old photo album.  Pansies, roses and a bumblebee give us lots of color to see.

This is an old fashioned violet with a blue violet hue.  We are with snow and cold again today which makes it seem like spring will never be here.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Larry,
    Thank you so much for posting such vibrant colors on this cold and bland day. While we are fortunate not to be having the snow you guys have I am getting tired of looking at shades of grays and tans. Hope the weather soon breaks for you and spring makes it way in. – G

  2. Everthing is beautiful in this post
    L love the paintings with bright colors,
    the blue flower, pictures old stuff
    very beautiful
    thank you

  3. Poor you, Larry. But you've managed to find some colour.
    Pop over to my blog and suggest what has happened to the (American) tourists on their Highland mystery tour. I'm curious to get your ideas!

  4. After our last week of snow and seeing that it's snowing again I can see how you would miss color. I really love the vibrant colors in the painting.

  5. Spring will come, or are we stuck with this gloomy long winter forever:( Your vibrant colors are good for the winter weary eyes:)

  6. I can only imagine why you need the colors, all that 'white' gets so boring.
    We have daffodils in bloom, and buds bursting on the Pussy Willow trees, hang in there !
