Thursday, March 10, 2011

Beginning construction........

I started work on my stand to hold my miter saw.  The platform is seven foot long and will be supported by two sawhorses.  I like that it still will be portable.  I have it sitting on a 20 gallon fish aquarium right now.   You can see all the jars of nails and all the tools and junk that goes with building.

I am really happy with it.  This photo makes it look too large but it actually extends out 37 inches on each side of the saw.  To the left of this is my fifty gallon fish tank sitting on a table.

The water has been changed but it still looks murky in a dark old basement.  The koi and goldfish watched me as I worked this morning.  If I don't have to sub today I will be back on it as I need to get it done.  I have 13 frames to make and I want this stand with measurement markings on it so I can cut them quickly.

Thanks for stopping by..........we did get some snow Tuesday night and it was wet and heavy.   The temperatures are hoovering above freezing though so by tomorrow it will all be gone.  The mud will still be out there for Barney and Button to get on there paws.  Later..........


  1. Wow!That looks like a dangerous piece of equipment!!

  2. Bet you can't wait until the stand is done, Larry, so then you and the saw can get onto other projects!

  3. Larry,
    I am reading your miter saw postings with great interest, having come in from the shed from doing a little miter cutting project myself. I am in total agreement with you on keeping it portable and am looking forward to seeing how you mark it for quick cut increments. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration!!! – G

  4. John would love to have something just like you are building! That's cute that the fish watched you work.
    We are having very heavy, non-stop rain. I am trying to keep Harriet's short legs (and tummy) out of the mud too.
    Tell Barney and Button "hi" from us!

  5. You must be in the frame making business! It looks dandy..and should work well for you! :)
