Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last year, last week..........

This is how it appeared last year at the Des Moines Botanical Center. It was warm inside and very tropical looking.

A week ago or more this is what we had on the ground, my neighbor's footprints that he left behind while walking his dog.

Last year at this time you could see blue water and koi with the reflection of the dome in the water.

We had tornado warnings Tuesday night because it was so warm in southern Iowa that the cold front coming in from Canada was causing severe reactions.  We had some small twisters in southern Iowa but mostly we had rain and now it is cold.  Freezing temperatures Wednesday night and who knows what else is to come.

I taught Physical Education on Tuesday with Seventh graders and high schools.  Everyone played pickle ball.  A form of pin pong and paddle ball combined.  Wednesday I was an English teacher teaching sixth, seventh and eight grade literature.  It is an everyday transition of being someone else and being in a different field of study each time.   Tomorrow, who knows who I will be.  Maybe I can be just stay home and be me.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. Larry, I enjoyed your comment about subbing and being someone different each day and just maybe you can be you later this week!

  2. It's interesting to hear my sis talking about the different teaching assignments she gets. She works with the very young and she could write a book on the cute things the kids say to her! Maybe you'll get to be yourself today!!!

  3. Oh I hope you get to be yourself a few days! :)
