Monday, March 7, 2011

Line design.......

A past photo from last year that shows life coming back to this shrub. I am teaching in the Spanish room again today.  I have some memory of it all but it takes a while to bring the gray cells back in line. Conjugating of  verbs I can do, but not when some of the verbs change completely at each tense.

I am better organized with all my photos but I have a long ways to go.  Once you get the groupings set up, you need to perfect the organization of the groups.

The robins are back but I really haven't seen any nest making at this point.  I believe that they are just out finding food to eat right now before they start building their homes.  They were plentiful at a tree the other day outside of Panera Bread. There were dried fruits on the limbs and they were really excited about finding them.

Thanks for stopping by........Adios mi amigos y hasta manana!     Yo quieroTaco Bell,  no, not really.


  1. Lots of robins here too, Larry, and I agree that they seem to just be food searching. It's still chilly and though we don't have snow we've had several weeks of gusting winds.

  2. Lucky you, seeing Robins already!! No spring birds here and we are expecting 6 inches of snow on Wednesday night !!!

  3. Cute post Larry! My beloved yard helpers keep me on my toes with Spanish from SO long ago! Amazing how much I have forgotten. I have inherited 2 mock orange plants here and they are beginning to show some growth. The robin's nest is so intricate. Hope you have a good week.

  4. Hi Larry, You have Robins..I am so must be spring in Iowa..lucky you! :)
