Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday's stuff..........

Flat cat of mine that I made many years ago. When we first opened the art gallery,  I made a lot of these wooden shapes for sale.  They were trendy back then and I had a large variety of them.  Eventually I hired an older fellow friend to cut them out for me and then I painted them.  He was a neat old guy and when they had his funeral, they displayed all of the different wooden pieces that he had made for himself from the patterns that I had.  It was neat to see that I gave him something to do that he really enjoyed doing.  One of the ones I really liked was a running horse pattern that I would have cut out of weathered wood.

As I was working on the new miter saw stand I snapped a view of a few of these that I still have around from the past.

I have mentioned in past blogs that my Dad liked to cut and polish stones.  I ran into this in a drawer, a few days ago of a belt buckle that he had made for me.  It is made from Mexican crazy lace, a stone he purchase at a rock show in slab form.  The buckle itself is a lot flashy in comparison to the subtle colors of the stone.  I didn't wear it very much when he first gave it to me as I was not a Western Wear sort of guy. 

We have melted a lot from warm weather yesterday but today it will be cold again.  It is nice to get rid of most of the snow.  I have to walk Barney often as he would come back into the house covered in mud.  He likes to walk and I kind of like walking him.  I will be achy from the muscles one uses to walk him.  He doesn't drag me around as I don't allow it and yet there is some resistance to the lead that cause some muscle strain.

Thanks for stopping by on this Saturday.  I hope all is well with you and your family.  We lose an hour of sleep tonight so we will have to adjust to the time change.  Spring forward affects us while falling back isn't so bad.



  1. I have a few of those shelf sitters packed away too..they were trendy.
    Your belt buckle is flashy..I do like the crazy lace I suppose you never fixed this treasure up on a belt either:)

  2. Very nice belt buckle and very colorful for sure. Glad your weather is slowly improving, Larry. We are not likely to get any more snow here on the VA eastern shore, but we had lots of rain this week and gusty windfs most of the month so far.

  3. Yes, that belt buckle is very beautiful... a treasure certainly.

    I like things madeout of wood. That is really wonderful that an old careful guy can makes those shapes. There are plenty of people that appreciate hand crafted in the USA!

    bonks for a happy Sunday evening
