Monday, March 14, 2011

Strange Glow........

What is that glow that is coming in my  dining room window?  It didn't warm up that much and the ground is still wet in places as Barney wears mud on his feet when he returns to the house. I have tomato seed sprouting already but they aren't that much to look at so I will wait until they get larger.

What to do when your yellow mat board piece is too small! I cut the insert yellow piece into half vertically and taped in a strip of black.  Then it looked funny, so I cut it twice more, horizontally and evenly space. Again I inserted black strips.  With it all taped together I used it like a regular piece of mat board and cut the second opening. My yellow piece was now two inches or more larger vertically and one and a half inches wider horizontially.

I didn't ask the customer about it as they were not sure what they wanted in the first place.  They did want it to be in IOWA colors,  a University of Iowa sports fan, so I think I solved the problem. They didn't want to spend much on this project....... so I didn't want to buy a whole large piece of mat board to do the job.

It is spring break at the high school, middle school so I won't be substitute teaching this week.  I guess it is my spring break too.

Thanks for stopping by...............


  1. enjoy your spring break! our's doesn't come until the end of april.

  2. You did a great job on the mat/frame, Larry. Very creative.
    I love your violets - and the header pic is just perfect.
    Hope you enjoy your week.
    p.s. I just noticed your new mug also - pretty!
