Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's crowded out there.......

Daffodils at my parents home were blooming with great vigor.  They are in a protected area between the house and the garage.  They really are a big bunch.

My sedum will take most of the summer and grow into the fall to finally develop it's buds of red color.  They remind me of little cabbages when they first come up in the spring.

Two tulips hanging out together make a fine abstract composition.  I really like the faded colors on the left tulip but it's color or shiny surface gives the camera a hard time in picking it up as a photo.

Thanks for stopping by..............flowers will be my main subjects for quite a while now as I have not the time to be more creative.


  1. Three very nice photos, Larry. I wish every plant grew as well as sedum!

  2. Love the flower pictures. It's pretty much what I love also. Our daffodils are much gone here now. Folks, however, are in a planting frenzy as our frost date is over. Just finished with my garden (I think) with all kinds of heirloom tomatos and such. I love sedums too. I have 1 raised bed only for herbs which is off to a good start with a few lettuce's left over. Keep giving me ideas ~ I love your detailed thoughts.

  3. I do hope your weather pattern is not as crazy as it appears on the weather channel. Good luck with the garden this year. We've had lots of cool nights and still very wet too. I'm itching to get out and plant.

    Love your pictures!

  4. I LOVE flower photos, Larry! You go ahead and post as many as you'd like. :-)
