Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring is here......

but it is never a sure thing.  I remember as a young boy when it snowed on May 1st.   This is one of the last year's hopeful transplanting that did survive.  A fern leafed peony that is sprouting up from the mulch. This variety is so much earlier than the regular peonies.  The regular ones have sprouts that are about an inch high right now.

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. How exciting that the fern leaf peony is up and doing well. I love walking through the yard this time of year and jogging my memory of all the plants and transplants from the year before. Here in GA, I remember snow in mid-April one year.

  2. It's so nice to finally see plants coming through the ground, isn't it? But like you said, there's always the possibility that a late snow or frost might kill them, so we have to keep our fingers crossed! No more more more snow...LOL

  3. Hi Larry, nice to see you posting again. I enjoyed your comment about your mum spending the summer in bare feet. And now you can speak some Scots! Take care.

  4. Glad to see your peonies are coming up - i have several that are way up and we did have some frost last night. I was afraid that they might get burned, but if they can survive in Iowa surely they can make it through a slightly cold night in SC.

  5. Glad to hear you are finally getting spring..we are too finally! :)
