Sunday, May 1, 2011

An Art Bridge.......

photographs by Aaron Spellman

There are too many facts to tell you about this bridge that crosses the Des Moines river at this time.  It is three miles out of town to our east. What I want to share with you are the photos of Aaron Spellman, a former student of mine.  The bridge had been partly torn down as a railway bridge and now funding has been supplied to make it a major link, new smaller bridge on a bicycle trail that goes from our town, Woodward to Ankeny, Iowa.  Art bridges are becoming trends in this country and this artist used light as a part of his medium to make it a spectacular view at night. Coal mines lined the Des Moines river and the artist wanted it to appear that you were going through a coal mine tunnel.

This set of four photos was displayed at a town art show in Woodward, at the replicated depot of the town. Della and I had a few pieces displayed there also this past Saturday. The other show we worked for 8 hours was over near Madrid at a winery.  I will share that on another blog.

Thanks for stopping by.........we survived having an all day art show and also the preparations required to help with the town's show at home.


  1. You two have really been busy. Thank you for sharing these super images by Aaron Spellman.

  2. How wonderful to see a students work..I bet you were really proud of him! :)

  3. Fabulous photographs : he was obviously taught well.

  4. What a neat concept--going through a mining tunnel. I love the blue, neon lights! Your student was very talented, indeed!

    So glad you & Della made it through both art shows and can rest up a bit this week!
