Friday, May 13, 2011

The backyard........

The perennials are sure returning with gusto.  I like how I have things becoming so crowded that they keep any weeds or creeping Charlie from growing.  I can see the hosta could or should be divided but I will wait I think for another year.  It always depends on the mood that you have when your in the garden.  On a good day I could divide it and the two parts would have plenty of time to revive and thrive. 

It is getting close to the time that I can start to plant tomatoes outside.  I am trying to decide whether to plant them in the ground this year or put them in large pots.  Tomatoes really like a lot of hot sun and my yard is becoming more shady as my trees mature.

School is out at the end of the month so the extra sub pay will stop.  I end up working four out of the five days but sometimes they just don't need me.  I take advantage of a free day as much as I can to get outside work done.  My riding mower sure speeds up the mowing time so I won't spend a half of day just push mowing the property.  I do have to still mow the other property in southern Iowa and that is push mowed.

It has been a long week and blogspot gave me a day off from posting for Thursday.  I was busy and things were down so I just can move on from there.  I am looking forward to the weekend and hope everyone has a great two days off.

Thanks for stopping by.........


  1. We are thinking about doing some potted tomatoes too this year.

  2. Yes, everything is coming along nicely !
    We all got a day off from posting, I thought it was a Friday the 13th joke !
    Have a wonderful weekend, even if it IS mowing .

  3. We always wait until Memorial weekend to plant our garden due to how late Michigan's frost/freeze warnings can pop up. We've been talking about which seeds and plants to grow this year, which is always exciting! Tomatoes will definitely be on our list.

    I know you guys will miss the school subpay, for sure. But I bet you'll enjoy the extra days off to get things done around the house and property.

  4. Your Hostas are looking thick and lush! I am looking forward to fresh tomatoes too..mine will go in the ground:)
