Monday, May 9, 2011


Pear blossoms are sparsely spaced on the tree this year.  I guess the weather wasn't good for them early spring.

Looking across the street you can see my neighbors flowering crabapple tree.  The lilac in front of the tree is almost ready to bloom.

The fernleaf peony you see here is the parent plant of all the new starts of fernleaf that I have in three spots in my  garden.  It flowers a week or two earlier in southern Iowa than it does where I live. I didn't destroy it by taking starts from it.  I think there is a start somewhere else in town that I gave to distant relative and I know there is a start in Minnesota that I gave to a distant friend.

I am working in the Special Education room today working in assistance to homework challenges and giving tests.  I was in there on Friday and I will return today.

Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. What beautiful blossom, Larry. Ours has all been dispersed by the strong Atlantic winds.

  2. Really pretty blossoms, Larry. Hope you have a very nice week.

  3. Glad to see the colorful blooms are coming out in your part of the country too, Larry. The pear blossoms are quite lovely. We only have apples and peaches.
