Thursday, May 19, 2011

Checking in on Thursday........

I was glad to see these iris blooming in Osceola on Wednesday.  The climate is a few degrees warmer in southern Iowa and most of the bulbs and iris bloom a few weeks earlier than mind do here north of Des Moines.

I don't know this variety of iris nor it's history but I am sure my mom snag some of the roots from a neighbor somewhere in town. 

I am subbing today and have fond memories of crawling around in the basement yesterday replacing this trail of pipes and valves.  I disconnected it on the right from the water meter and then removed the whole train from the elbow.

My wife and I went then to the Farm and Home store and this wonderful guy in plumbing took a look at it and put all the new parts out for me to replace the whole thing.  The pipe had started to rust through and either it was the pipe or the valve was dripping water.

I have kept this for a photographic subject but promise to toss it soon. 

Thanks for stopping by...........I am a band teacher, math teacher and a librarian today.  I had to write it all down and just follow the list as to where I have go next.


  1. Band and Math ..yuck..but I would like the librarian job! The beautiful old fashioned Iris are beautiful. :)

  2. Such a colorful iris. Glad you found a source for the plumbing fixtures you needed; that does make a great photo. You are a man of many hats at school today! I know you and Della look forward to the weekend.
