Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday's trio............

When the drizzle started and then continued for three days, it was like magic.  The yew trees, Austrian pine and balsm trees just put out new sprouts instantly.

I bought this cheap tea rose, Abraham Lincoln, last year.  It never bloomed and I thought well that was a waste of money.  I didn't plan on it to over wintering but it did.  Now I will see if it is just the root sprouting or if it really will bloom this year.  I like to do cheap experiments once in a while to see what I can pull off and I hope I get one year's of bloom from it. I am in borderline zones 4 or 5 so it causes our plants to live for a few years and then just freeze out.

It is all just apples and oranges, isn't it?  I mean we take the weather we get and we complain about it no matter what.  The perfect five to seven days that Iowa has in the spring are probably gone by now.  I have had the furnace running the past seven days and before that the air condinting had to be used.  We are told now that we have a warming trend and each day it will warm up further until Saturday we will have a great day.  I can hardly wait. 

Thanks for stopping by........


  1. That first photo is so refreshing with the new growth. I've seen pics of the AL rose and I sure hope yours will bloom this year. As for the weather, we have had several days of drizzle and cool temps and a jacket has felt good. I'm looking forward to sun and warmer temps too.

  2. Larry,

    Cheap experiments in the garden are the most fun and I find reap the most benefit. It’s those pesky expensive experiments that you worry and sweat over that tend to cause havoc in the pot shed.

    Likewise I am enjoying the rain along with you, OK may be not all that enjoyment but I have been like yourself. One day the AC is on the next day I turn the heat on, flip flop, flip flop. Hoping you still have some wonderful spring day just waiting in the wings to take center stage shortly. - G

  3. Beautiful new growth on the evergreens!

    I've had great luck with some cheap 3 for 10 bucks roses. But I always go for the floribundas rather than the hybrid teas -- tea roses won't survive our winters generally.

  4. We've had the same type of weather in MI too, Larry, and we can't wait for it to leave. However, like your plants, ours here have enjoyed all the extra rain and are greening-up quite nicely (and the grass is green and growing like crazy).

    Apparently, this past week was part of those "April showers" that are supposed to bring May flowers. Apparently, mother nature doesn't realize, or doesn't care, that she's a month behind. :-)

  5. We have had three nice days in a row!! We must be living right up here!I hope your rose blooms..is it coming from above or below the graft? That will tell the story:)
