Wednesday, May 11, 2011


The apple tree that did not have a single bloom on it seems to be showing off this year. It is loaded with blooms and seems to think it is going to have apples.  There are a few bees on them helping to pollinate them as well as the winds are certainly strong enough to help with that too.

While attending Iowa State University I would always look forward to see these red bud trees in bloom.  They were planted among large trees and would show off their color in spring.  Walking to class was always a treat in the spring time.

My red bud tree has been planted at least seven years now so it is getting really showy.  We have some very old trees in town that stand large with a lot of great color.

Trying to sell a house without a realtor  may save money in some cases but I have had two very bad experiences now showing the house.  The young couple wanted everything to be brand new, even though I know they are working beginning salary jobs.  They knew how much the bank would loan them but they thought maybe I would sell it to them very low to help them out.  I also don't know for sure how large of family would end up in that house but it seemed a little shaky.  I still believe the one holding the deed is the one you respect and that is the person you are being appreciative to for allowing them to view the house.

A house should be worth more than the price of two brand new cars or I must be confused.  I know the market in southern Iowa is slow and low right now but a structure that protects you from the elements and keeps you safe is not a freebie that buyers can expect to have.  I really think the society has disillusioned some to think that all things are instantly there's for the asking. Our society was built with the work ethic of bettering oneself as you work up the ladder.

My wife and I live in an old fixer upper and we have lived within our means.  We have a nice home but it has been created in years of work and remodeling.  Brand new kitchens don't happen with a magic wand and ceramic tile floors and all new house furnishings have to come in time.  

I will be patient as I know that the right age of people and the right set of people with realistic means will come along and buy this house.  In the meantime, I will also expect less from the public and be surprised when someone is nice. A buyer's market does not mean that you can victimize the seller.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by........


  1. Our home was on the market for a year and I certainly understand your frustration with rude people. I continue to pray for the sell of your parents home to just the right family who will love and appreciate it.
    The trees' blossoms are so pretty. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  2. I like a lot trees, thanks for your great photos !

  3. Beautiful blooms!
    Selling a house can be really frustrating. Have you had the property appraised? If you are asking for the appraisal value then no one should complain. Realtors sometimes weed out the flakes..and of course if it were all updated it would appraise higher.
    I think you are to nice of a guy and too kind hearted to be your own realtor..I would stay outside, let them see the house themselves and then answer their questions and ask them if they are prepared to make an offer. Just my 2 cents worth:)

  4. That is bizarre to expect to be sold the house for less.

    American university campuses seem to specialise in trees with spring blossom. It must be so lovely in spring, and in autumn too when the leaves are turning.

  5. It is good advice FAR Side. I think the psychology was to point out everything they would have to do to it. The appraisal value is not very high but I do think that I should at least get that out of it, I am sure the lawyer was going to meet the one person who had the US citizenship certificate if they were to buy.

  6. I agree with your thoughts regarding a new home purchase. The market might be low right now, but today's young people seem to think that everything should be FREE or priced really low. Nuh-uh. That isn't how it works. Hang in there, Larry. :-)

    I'm jealous that you guys have a red bud tree in your yard! They are one of my favorite trees due to their spring coloring. Tom & I keep saying we're going to buy one to plant in our backyard, but it hasn't happened yet. Guess it gives us something to shoot for!
