Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday's day of few words.........

I haven't pruned this back much but I am going to have to this year as it is starting to spread out onto the sidewalk territory.

One more shot of globe alum in the sun.  It is on the right side this time as the sun is setting.

We received a huge rain and 55 mph wind Tuesday.  There is not a single petal of any flower on this snowflake viburnums now after the storm, washed away and blown away to the ground


  1. I didn't shut down my comments. Apparently my settings for all of my blogs needed to be changed to the pop up variety in order to work.

  2. too funny - it's not a wordless wednesday - just a day of few words! your alium are pretty. thanks for checking on my blog.

  3. The globe alum is really beautiful, Larry.

    Bummer about the high winds too. How are you & Della holding up with all the severe weather our country has been having lately? We've had mostly rain in our area, and lots of it!
