Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bicycles from, well maybe.....

In our little town,  people love to go to the school dumpsters in the night and place larger items into them so they can get rid of it on the schools cost.  Microwaves, tv sets, mattresses, whatever the regular garbage route won't usually take.   Sometimes kids will drop their empty beer cans in the trash bins of others in the residential area as they don't want them to be found in their own parents garbage cans.  So while they sit out the night before the garbage day, they will drop them in to the easiest one they can find.  

Well, this is a new one for me.  Someone, a parent who was wanting to get rid of a bike out of the back of his truck, a neighbor who moved away brought it down to my trash bin, or a kid just got rid of it at my bin,  I will never know. I do know I am glad to have it,  even if it is old,  as I was wanting to get a bike to ride.  I took it away from my garbage area and took a spin on it the next day.  The gears slip and it is old.  The brakes only work on one wheel but I can ride it.  What fun to have a bike again after forty years.  Did I say free!  I won't ride it much but I will try to use it once in a while to go uptown or spin around the block to show off.  Yes, there will be aches and pains, but I will have to get into shape.

Oh yes, if some kid stole it and left it there, I am leaving it out in sight so it could be recognized.  I know someone out in blogger land was thinking that and I am prepared for that too.

Thanks for stopping wife is thinking about having a bike, maybe this will inspire us to get her one. 


  1. Good for you, Larry. The other day while walking around Wal-Mart, I commented to John that I wonder if I could still ride a bike after all these years. That was a favorite pasttime as a kid. First thing you know, you'll be performing tricks on yours around the neighborhood!!!

  2. My neighbors twin girls like to ride their bikes in front of us and show us how they can ride so well. It is cute how they think they are the only ones that can ride a bike. I will probably shock them seeing me on a bike.

  3. Larry,

    How great for you and hoping you have much fun. I on the other hand have reached a stage in life to where I can only ride a bike one way, “Down Hill”, lol. Hoping you guys are have a great weekend. – G

  4. Looks like a pretty good bike to me! I had a relative who would collect bikes out of the garbage and at garage sales..he would fix them up and give them aways to kids that did not have a bike. Have fun riding:)

  5. The bike you found looks very much like my husband's bike! Maybe I should ask him if he dropped it into your garbage? LOLOL Seriously though, it does look just like his bike.

    You know what they say about one man's garbage being another man's treasure. In your case, it definitely applied.

    Hope you can get Della a bike soon and the two of you can go riding once in a while. Hey! Maybe you'll get lucky and someone will drop off a ladies' bike at your house next! :-)

  6. Free is usually a good thing, Larry, especially if it's something you can use, like a bike. Maybe you will consider getting it fixed or doing some of those repairs yourself. Just what you needed - another do-it-yourself project!
