Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday is here........

This succulent was drooping down while inside the house all winter, but a lot of rain and sunshine made it start to look up.  In one day it started to point towards the hot sun.  You can see the water standing in the crockery pot from all the rain we have been having.

I am sure all the insects are saying to each other that the pink rose is rather tasty.  I could have cut the photo down but I thought it shows reality in life.

The creeping bluebell is starting to show it's color.  It really does creep all over unless you work at it keeping it under control.

Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. That's such a nice photo of the succulent. I love the color of the rose and I am not familiar with the creeping bluebell. What a treasury of plants you have. I hope you and Della have a very nice weekend.

  2. I agree that the pink rose is tasty. Just look at that bee hovering beside it. ;-)

  3. Wow! I hadn't seen the bee before you pointed it out. Thanks.

  4. I do like the rose with the holes in it. this is the first time I'm visiting this blog. I've only see the sepia saturday's before.

  5. I, too, like the pink rose with the bee next to it. How funny that you didn't even know that bee was there. Very neat!

    Your creeping bluebells are like creeping toddlers; if you don't keep them in check, they tend to go all over the place! :-)

    Have a wonderful week, Larry!
