Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday.....................ah yes.

The William Baffin rose continues to put out new blooms on it's new canes. I dug a part of this rose bush and moved it to a new location a couple of days ago next to the old wind mill.

The peonies are now all gone with days of continual rain shutting them all down.  The heat made them droop but the water just washed them away for the year.

It is Saturday and we will be at a reunion today on my wife's side.  We are finishing up a ten day set of meetings at our church tonight also.  It has been a busy week with yesterday a day of working on the house down south.  

The house has decided to fall apart before it gets sold.  I replaced the innards of a toilet tank as the water was continually running otherwise.  The sliding door decided to quit sliding and I discovered that the header above the door had settled with all the moisture in the air from all the rains down there.  I had to saw off and eighth of an inch off the top of the one door\ so I could have room to reinstall it into the track.  I think the settling had cause the main sliding door to go off of it's track.

The back door to the sun porch also had problems and I had to raise a bracket on it as the moister caused the framing to decrease in size and I couldn't shut that storm door.  With the repair to the water line a couple of weeks ago and getting the water turned back on by the city last week, I guess I am now ready to find the house caving in somewhere now.

Have a good weekend and may Sunday be a good day for you.......


  1. Now I know it's called William Baffin rose. We used to have it in our garden but our garden is no more :(

  2. The roses and peonies were beautiful; such pretty colors.

    So sorry about the problems with your folks' house. Many such things happened in our last home before it sold. The water line was a huge expense and happened right at Christmas just a few weeks before it sold.

    I continue to pray that your home sells this summer.

  3. I sure hope that the house sells over the summer, how much more work can you put into it? I hope your brothers know how much you have done there:)

  4. Houses can be such a BIG expense, and you have two of them to work on now! Not fun!

    I, too, hope your parents' house sells quickly. That will be a large weight lifted from your shoulders.
