Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sitting down for a Saturday blogging session.....

This is a photo of last years zinnias.  I need to get them into the ground soon, very soon.  It may happen today if the morning isn't too hot.

I need to go next door and help unload some bags of dirt for the neighbor.  I push mowed the house in southern Iowa yesterday.  I really had to take breaks every twenty minutes.  The heat effects the muscles when the humidity is really high.  I hope that the grass will slow it's growing down a little and I can spread out the times to cut.  My old push mower has to be begged to work each time.  Either clean the spark plug or hand feed the gas in the carb.  Some of the controls are falling off the handle and it's time to bring out the duct tape.

A new problem arises each time I go to the house, that is the one I am trying to sell.  The water is back up and running and the city put a new meter on it. It is one in which they can drive down the street and read it electronically with a scanning gun.  The sliding glass door is thirty  years old and all of a sudden it now stops opening after you slid it 18 inches.  I guess I could just sell it to skinny people.  I will have to take it all apart and see how it works.  Maybe I can find info on how they were made back then.  I don't see rollers but there might be some on the bottom of the door.

It was a good thing that I took photos of this clematis at my neighbor's a couple of days ago as half of it is now dead.  I am going to tell on her that as she was cutting out mulberry trees which were growing up in the woven fence, she cut one of the vines.  Dead for the  year it will be, but there is next year.

The sun and heat is making the peonies droop.  A rain would take them out of course.  I  have noticed that I don't have any pure white peonies.  Across the street a property has only white ones in two long rows.  I do remember the people who use to live there and I am certain they planted them.  The present neighbor doesn't like the mess, so he mows them all down as soon as the blooms get to dropping.  I will need to go see him about a swap of a start of his plant.  Maybe he would like me to just take them all away.

My rose William Baffin got so much water from the roof of my shed that it almost killed it out.  I have had a revived area that is blooming this year and one sprout I think I will transplant away from the shed. It is still a partial mess of dead branches even though I trimmed most of it out of there last summer.

Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by...............I have snakes everywhere outside now.  I will share about that later.


  1. So many blooms, Larry. We have very little here yet with our cold spring - a heady 13 degrees centigrade today.
    The loss of the clematis is sad for this year but it will probably romp away next year.
    I've never experienced humid heat, but I can imagine that it is very sapping. Take care and don't overdo it.

  2. Snakes everywhere..yuck..did you have a few mama snakes or worst nightmare.
    I hope your neighbor shares his seems that people that don't care about them have the best bunches of peonies:)
