Saturday, July 9, 2011

First bloom to last bloom.......

This is the very first of the cluster of red day lily plants to bloom. I have a lot of buds posed ready to open as the season is now here.

When I was out to take a photo of the bright red day lily, I glanced over and saw this old fashion rose was putting out one very last bloom. It actually had stopped blooming a month ago, so this is a late bloomer for sure.

Thanks for stopping by..........I am too busy to tell you what I am doing, maybe later.  Some of the projects are coming to an end and others are just beginning.  Have a great Saturday.


  1. Hi Larry, I'm catching up on blog reading tonight as we were busy all last weekend cand catching up all this week with yard and other projects. Your blooms are lovely; our specialty day lilies in the front yard are still blooming, but the orange ones have all bloomed out. The raspberries looked so good and we would gladly trade you some cukes, beans and squash...drat on not living closer but Iowa to VA eastern shore is quite a distance. Nice of you to be caring for the feral cat and kittnes - real cuties.

  2. You must be off killing snakes or framing..the business you can't seem to escape from:)

  3. Great photos Larry, despite your busy time.

  4. Both flowers are delicate-looking and the colors are so nice. Sure hope you find some time down the road to relax and do some fun things!
