Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday's contributions...............

This is a pale orange day lily that looks dusty compared to the other one that I have posted before.  They are two different varieties.  I bought some from an arboretum that were called unknowns, so they were cheap but a surprise when they first bloomed.

The soybeans are now growing so you can see the rows of plants.  The are going north and south in the foreground.  The bean field in the background was planted three weeks earlier and you can see the size difference in the two fields.  No corn fields to photograph this year in this area. The plants have been sprayed to kill out the offensive plants and that is what you see in the yellow plants in the foreground, dying plants.

Two very small plants that I planted too close together are starting to bloom.  I have only four plants this year and really am not pushing for a bumper crop.  We will enjoy fresh tomatoes when they are ripe and will not can or freeze any this year.  We have the heat and the humidity now to bring on the tomatoes.

We froze another large batch of red raspberries on Sunday.  I had picked them on Saturday and will probably go out today to pick more.  We spread them out on cookie trays to freeze as was suggested by the Minnesota folk.  I think that should work well in packing them up today and they won't be so mushy. No pie until it cools off as the oven will heat up the house.  

I did take my final truck load of ladders and tall things away from the garage in Osceola.  I will not be taking the truck down to that house ever again.  I will just need to go to the house and mow the grass once a week until the final deal is done.  

Thanks for stopping by.............


  1. Good to see the flowers are flowering, and the crops are growing.

  2. The daylily has such a bright center; very pretty!

    Glad things are progressing on the house sale. Keep us posted.

    Hope you and Della have a great week.

  3. What a pretty Daylily, a beautiful color !
    Isn't the heat unbearable, it's almost 9PM here in Tennessee and still 91 degrees HOT.
    I'm looking forward to Fall already :)

  4. Minnesota make me worked great for the berries didn't it! WE are going picking this is supposed to be real warmish. I am so glad you are getting on the last countdown before the sale is final..and I hope it all goes well:)
