Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday's flower posting.........

I have a meeting in Osceola today and I need to mow a yard in 80 degree weather.  It is suppose to cool down to 79 tonight so maybe early morning I can get the job done with lots of stops for drinks of water. 
I don't get sick that often but for some reason these days I tend to get really ill when I do get hit.  It is seven days away from the onslaught of this summer cold and I think maybe I have almost stopped coughing and my oxygen level has returned to almost normal.  I don't sit still but I have been doing that most all of the week.  Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy, I know.   Our weather is going to be a challenge all week and I will mow my own yard when the temps fall below 75 degrees.  Maybe a week from now I can finally cut it.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. For once it seems that our weather is diverging. It is cold and wet and windy over here. Any flower petals have long since blown away.

  2. Your flowers are looking healthy !
    We are in the same heat pattern, tired of watering, and when working outside we have to stop every so often to sit and drink water.
    I'm considering very little plantings next year, it's almost too much to take care of.
    Hope you get your mowing done, rest a lot.

  3. What pretty flowers!

    You just get better, Larry. Like you said, the lawn can wait to be mowed until the temps go down to a decent level. Take care of yourself first, stubborn man. :-)
