Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday's shots...........

I moved this day lily from southern Iowa last year and planted it in my garden and it is doing very well.

My wife's home place is actually her grandparents home place on the farm so I am assuming the peonies planted on the farm were done by her grandmother or at least by her directions to my wife's grandfather.  I went down last Monday before the summer cold hit me and dug up three varieties and brought them home.  I will share them with anyone who wants a part of them but for now they are safe and alive despite moving them in the heat. I ended up planting four different clumps of the peonies, and also rescued a part of a rose bush that my wife's mom had planted.  I will go back and dig the rest of that when I have a sharp spade and it isn't 100 degrees with lots of humidity.  And did I mention the wood ticks are doing well in Iowa this year on animals and humans.

My health report is out and I am going to live.  Not so sure that I wanted to there for a while but I have survived it. I feel more better now than I do worse and I think my body is winning again on it's fight of the ugly beast.

Thanks for stopping by.......


  1. Larry,
    You have such out standing day lilies and this last one is wonderful. – gary

  2. So glad to hear you're doing better, Larry. I hope what you had wasn't anything serious! I'll keep you in my prayers over the next few weeks. Sounds like you can use some. Take care, ok?
