Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednsday's sharing..........

Some people wanted me to call this a viburnum bush and other evidence makes me think it is a form of a hydrangea.  Either way it is putting out very red berries this year.  I don't really remember it doing that before or I would have photographed it.  Our rains must have made it produce all the fruit.

I would think the birds will like these but I haven't seen any on the bush as of yet.  I will keep watching through the summer and maybe it will feed the cardinals and bluejays.

This is the first bloom of this variety of Asiatic Lily.  It reminds me of the old fashion coloring of a tiger lily but it is not the shape.  I have a large group of these that I need to get staked as they are all laying down on the ground.

Another new purchase from Walmart.  I have a wheel barrow that my dad made in which he filled with petunias every year.  I found it in the outer shed and brought it home.  I don't think I have the time or money to fill it with these even though I did look for some good bargains.  It's a big wheel barrow and it would have taken a lot of money for a lot of plants to fill it.  I will find a planter to put these in for the rest of the season.  They need a little feeding and some soil  in which to spread their roots.

Thanks for stopping by...............working outside today so we will start early before it gets to be too hot.


  1. At the old house, someone had planted a bush like yours with the red berries. I believe it is a viburnum and yes, the birds do eventually pick the berries clean off the bush!
    I love your lily with the freckles and the old fashioned petunias are very nice too.
    It seems that every blog I visit across the country, the heat is a real problem this week.
    Take care.

  2. My mom used to have us 4 kids help her plant colorful petunias all around our front deck when we were kids. We'd always complain, but they always looked really nice when we were done.

    At first, I thought your lily was a Tiger Lily also. But you're right, it's a slightly different shape.

    Great flower shots. It looks like your yard is coming along nicely this summer! :-)

  3. Just buy one Purple Wave Petunia for that wheelbarrow next year will fill the whole wheelbarrow and spill over the sides..especially if you give it some Miracle Grow:)
