Friday, July 22, 2011


My zinnia patch has grown quickly in the heat and humidity.  They really do mature rapidly.  It seems like I just posted a photo of the seed coming up not too long ago.

The bud of a zinnia is almost like a shape of a crown. It really has a neat design created even before it blooms.

This is my very first bloom  As you can see the bee is anxious to get down to business.

Same flower shown here with the honey bee working for some nectar.  I know the butterflies like zinnias but I guess I don't remember ever seeing honey bees on them.  It may be the weather and they are trying to find the easiest source for food.

Thanks for stopping by.............we received two rains on Wednesday that brought our temperatures down for the first time in six days.  It was warmed back up though by late evening and the air conditioners were back in use.


  1. They are looking so good !
    I promise myself every year to plant these seeds, and still have not got around to it.
    Next year, I hope to do better.
    Love yours...

  2. Hi Larry, Your zinnias are so healthy looking! Glad you received some rain and a brief respite from the heat. Have a good weekend.

  3. Your Zinnia Patch is going to be so pretty when they all bloom. Things are really growing in all the heat:)
