Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dinner Plate Hibiscus........

One of the buds finally opened.  The flower unfolds out of that bud to be the size of a dinner plate.

They are like the giant version of a smaller variety of hibiscus.

There are a lot of subtle colors in what first appears to be a white flower.

We had a nice rain on Tuesday morning.  Larger amounts of rain fell is southern Iowa were it really was needed.

I know a lot of you are not making comments and that really is ok with me.  I just want to thank you all who are checking in on a regular basis.  You are a pretty large group and I appreciate you stopping by...........


  1. Hi Larry, I am late getting around as usual. I love this Hibiscus. I have always wanted to grow it. You must have had the perfect weather for it this is a wonderful plant! :)

  2. How do I order dinnerplatehibiscus from you here's my number 504-715-4499. My email address
