Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday's findings.........

I don't think I have ever seen this small butterfly before. I have three or four of them in my zinnia patch. I am hoping someone will know the name of it. When I first saw them it looked like someone had splashed white paint on them by accident.  A Silver Spotted Skipper ID'ed from a fellow blogger in Virginia, thanks.

My yellow squash will be my only successful gardening experience in raising food.  The tomatoes are not going to give me much of a harvest but I am going to have squash.

I have a lot of blooms on the squash vines but I don't think most of those will become mature squash.  The season is going to not last long enough for them. It looks like I will get a half dozen of them though.

We had a nice visit with my oldest brother Ron and his wife Julie.  She was here for her fiftieth class reunion and also to visit her 94 year old dad.  He is still on the home farm in southern Iowa near Woodburn, Iowa. He had been ill but is doing a lot better.  We sat around the Pizza Hut and swapped stories of life.  Julie's dad joined us and was sharp as a tack sharing jokes and good times. My other brother who flew in like a whirlwind didn't stay long to talk with them either.  He was here and gone back to California in a flash.

I am taking a physical day off today.  I have been doing a lot of work outside and I need to rest up to start work on Monday with more physical work down at Della's dad's farm.  Clearing and sorting the junk of others seems to be our life's story.

The weekend is coming and it looks like rain for us.  We are needing the rain especially in southern Iowa.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Hi Larry, your mysetery butterfly is a silver-spotted skipper which a fellow blogger also had on her blog and wanted to ID.

  2. Most "stuff" to sort..I can hardly wait to see what you find! :)

  3. Oh can take more than one day off in a row Larry:)
