Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday's things.......

We went to southern Iowa today to mow a yard.  I feel like I am going back in time as I travel there. Even though the people have changed with the times, there is still a lot of the older history of this state that is still down there.  The farmsteads that are still there have their old barns standing and old machinery can still be seen periodically.  My toy tractor reminds me of the one that was parked in a farm field along the fence.  We would pass it every time that we went to town to buy groceries.  I hope that it has now been restored with it's wide metal wheels.

As we clear metal from my father in law's farm we keep getting into antique things.  They are made of metal and sometimes we just can't identify what they are and other times they are pieces of equipment used for the horses to pull equipment through the fields by my wife's grandfather. Most everything is rusted and of no value but the metal needs to be recycled.

We continue to pass this area along the interstate while in southern Iowa where the hills are rolling and the cows are grazing on them.  We said that the the next time  we go down and we will pull off the highway and take a large stock of pictures.  We didn't have a camera with us today.

The morning glories are late this year but this variety is doing well.  The blue ones have not shown a bloom and they may never do so.  I have them planted on this trellis on the north side of the garden shed and I am sure if they were in more sun or full sun that they would do well.  They come up volunteer each year and this year it stayed very wet on that side of the shed.

As a kid, I remember them growing wild in the corn fields on the farm.  They were quite a surprise as they are so bright in comparison to all the green corn stalks.  They loved to twine around the corn and make it impossible to walk through a corn row.  Today, all the farm chemicals has stopped such a thing from ever happening.  Farming in the sixties was chemical free and the corn fields were filled with weeds by the time it was ready to harvest.

It is a very warm day today and we were earthquake free here in the middle of the United States.  We have had them in the past but it has been quite a while.  Colorado and the east coast seems to be the ones to have the earthquakes and now a hurricane is coming to hit the east coast too.

Everyone take care and thanks for stopping by.........


  1. Always such a pleasure to share these memories with you Larry.

  2. No earthquakes or hurricanes here either..just warm humid weather.
    Field Bindweed..it still grows in my yard..it is bad in the fields...it is in the morning Glory family:)
    Sometimes regular MG's won't bloom very much if they have too much fertilizer..or too little sun. The ones you have are very pretty:)

  3. Hi Larry, you got the part about the earthquake and now hurricane a-coming right. Here on the VA eastern shore we shared the first with so many others on the east coast, but hoping we all get out just as easy with the second weather event coming this weekend.
