Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Locking up after the Burgus family reunion in Murray, Iowa. Relatives of mine,  Delores R.and Elva W. are making sure the key is doing it's job.

Looking down the street you can catch the flavor of the age and size of the town.  The Methodist Church steeple in in the back.  A then implement store is he next brick building coming forward and the train tracks for the southern route of Amtrack can be seen because of the crossing markings.

In my early years the Burgus reunions were held at the Murray park.  The families that attended were from the 13 brothers and sisters of Charles and Elizabeth Burgus.

 Jesse T. Burgus 1917-2000 at the Union Cemetery northwest of Murray, Iowa

It was a big event with lots of tables of fried chicken, jello, and many different kinds of pies.  I remember them  when I was a youngster and now understand more about those family members that attended.  Back then I didn't understand why Spellerburgs, Wetzels, Morgans, Welkers, and others were at a Burgus reunion.  I now know all the last names of the women of the Burgus family that married with these names attached.

My brother was back to attend the event and it was good to see him.  My grandfather Charles Burgus named after his dad Charles, I guess,  had 10 children.  There was only three of us of the grandchildren, myself and wife and my btother that made it for the for the meal.  A first cousin and his wife came later after the meal but that was a meager showing for the group of cousins.  Family members of the 10 children are all gone and the offspring, cousins,  are scatterd throughout the United States.  The three oldest cousins are also have passed away.

I have been busy subbing the last two days and it seems like I am back working full time even though the pay is not the same.  I think I might have two days off before I sub again on Friday for a middle school social studies teacher.

I had written a large blog yesterday and the server gods got to it and chewed it up, leaving only one photo.  So ,as one can't write the same thing over again in the same way,  I just gave you a totally different blog today. I keep hitting the save button so I won't lose it today.

Thanks for stopping by............


  1. Nice to see the town and hear the memories of past reunions. I remember attending reunions when I was much younger and have some nice pics of relatives who have now passed on.

  2. we only attended one reunion this summer..and not many people were there. There comes a time when it is the only time where you see your relatives except at a funeral:(
