Thursday, September 15, 2011


I planted my oxalis in the ground for the summer.  I gave half of it to my neighbor and her plant is huge and blooming profusely.  Mine is doing ok but it hasn't done the greatest in growing.  When I dig it I will give it some fresh potting soil and maybe it will revive inside.


  1. Hmmm, oxalis is one of those plants I saw in someone else's garden this summer and was most impressed with it. It was a dark purple leaved variety.

    I'm sure with a little TLC, yours will rebound.

  2. I had forgotten all about oxalis. There was a clump planted at our last house and I loved it. Nice that you were able to share with the neighbor.

  3. I had them inside for years, then I accidentally left some corms in a plant I put outside. They bloomed well last summer and then I assumed they would die. But no - in spite of the long and frigid winter and then the blistering heat this year, they did well, both in shade in full sun. What a nice surprise. Now I'm going to look for the purple 'false shamrocks' to add to the collection.
