Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's things........

This is a random shot that still is confusing to me. It has an interesting composition and a lot of other things going on in the background.   The main zinnia is actually blooming up even though the stem has fallen down horizontally.  It has the dead stems of a transplanted peony. and the rest is just weeds and other vegetation.

A clay piece that I bought many years ago in Estates Park, Colorado.  I liked the abstract composition that the potter created with different glazes and textures of clay spots.

Here is another side of the mug.  If you haven't noticed it has not a handle. It could be intended as a glass but I really think it was intended for coffee.

The sedum continues to get deeper in color.

We were in Osceola yesterday to mow a yard.  The grass was dead the last time I was down there and today it had grown enough to need a trim.  The water grass was bad as the bluegrass hasn't come back too strongly from the dry spell.  It really did look better even though it is starting to become fall and the grass does start to go dormant.

I ended up replacing the flush mechanism of one of the bathroom toilets in the house while we were down there.  It had to be done as it was malfunctioning and I didn't  want a realtor to flush it and leave the water running for a week or so.

Thanks for stopping by...........


  1. Your zinnias have been so bright and cheerful. I love the pottery and its uniqueness. We don't have sedum at this house but I did help a friend plant some in her small flowerbed. The bees just love it!

  2. It has been raining for two days..I need to check on my Sedum..yours is very pretty. I sure hope that house sells soon..have they had some lookers? Boy now is the time to buy lakeshore in MN..lots of people are selling. For Sale signs up all over:)

  3. I've never seen a blue sedum before. Are they common with you?
    Hoping that you get a sale on the house soon. It must get emotionally tiring keeping going back just to maintain it.
