Thursday, September 29, 2011

Titles sound funny when your forget to post one.....

When I was young it was called cock's comb and I really don't know it's true name.  My neighbor gave to me a packet of wild garden seeds and it was a rather unsuccessful planting.  I did get this one stray red beauty and one smaller unknown flower that is too small to appreciate.

I found these seeds down at the farm.  My brother in law says they are from the coffee tree.  It is not a coffee bean tree but just a coffee tree.  It is a hardwood tree and does have a mahogany colored wood grain.  The seeds are larger than jelly beans and of course I will plant one in the house just to see what happens.

The burning bush always gives me a warning of what is to come.  It is like the one red maple tree that I have, when it puts out a preview of just one or two leaves, to let you know the future of it's appearance.

I am having a day off from substitute teaching but I will be back on duty tomorrow. I will teach middle school social studies to six different sections, sixth through eight.   I helped the neighbor plant some special iris rhizomes today that she had ordered from the catalog.  She shuts down her garden early every year so she really wanted them in the ground and wants to tear out all of her tomato plants.  We do have a few weeks left with some warm weather.  I picked my first butternut squash today to give to her.

I am putting gesso on some wood panels today for preparation for paintings.  I like painting on panels as the smooth surface allows more detail in the painting process.  It was scrap wood left over from a frame job and I cut them up into painting sized panels.   It will take two or three coats of gesso, sanding the surface between coats to get them ready for painting.

Grilling burgers and fried grill potatoes tonight.  It should stop sprinkling by then and maybe I can get some more leaf shots of the trees.  My birch tree is turning yellow very quickly right now and I have to hurry to catch it before the leaves fall off.  Sometimes during a rain they just all fall off overnight.

Thanks for stopping by...........the weekend is coming.


  1. My mother loved cocks comb or Celosia. She had a large garden spot just full of it and my brother used the weed eater on it, thinking it was weeds!!!!!!
    I've never heard of the coffee tree - how interesting and what huge seeds.
    I love the color of the burning bush and the maple leaves.
    I wonder if our winter will be as unusual/unpredictable as our spring/summer?
    Hope your teaching job goes well and that you and Della have a nice weekend. Your dinner tonight sounds delicious to me!

  2. Larry, those coffee beans looked beautiful in and of themselves, but it should be interesting to see if anything grows. This summer Grenville put the top of a pineapple in water, when it developed some roots he planted it in a pot and it's still green and apparently growing.

  3. Regarding the Kentucky Coffee Tree: My husband has picked up these seeds in the low lands along the Mississippi River is southern Minnesota. He has tried to grow them. Unsuccessfully. Look them up. I remember that there is something about scoring the seed and soaking it to get it to germinate.

  4. Thanks for the name of the tree. All I had was hear say and Kentucky Coffee tree sounds great. They are tough trees as I tried to cut on small one today down on the farm. A very hard wood.

  5. Maple Lane is correct..Celosia..and it comes in different forms..plume..and the crested..yours is the plumed!:)
