Sunday, October 23, 2011

Archived photo day........

A lioness taking it easy at the Des Moines Zoo.  It was warm and the rock was cooling to lay against.

Barney rest in the yard at the fence, waiting to see if any of the many cats of the neighbor's will walk by for him to scare with his bark.

A sweet dog at the dog show we attended a few years back at the fair grounds.  He was feeling sheltered from all of the activities and noise of a dog show while waiting in line with his owner.

Two horses were resting while being tied to a tree in Osceola, Iowa.  They had been pulling a Amish carriage through the town and had arrived at their destination and were now resting.

Have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by at my blog spot.


  1. I really enjoyed these pictures, Larry. Barney sure looks ready to scare a cat! That last photo is beautiful. Have a blessed day.

  2. That's an eclectic grouping of photos - all with their own merit.

  3. Quiet yet thought-provoking. Thank you for sharing.
