Monday, October 31, 2011

Hydrangea in the fall........

The hydrangea continues to be a showy plant in the fall.  I really hadn't noticed it but while I was out and about looking at all the red colored leaves I saw this great yellow and green pattern.

The brown colors of the blooms are also very nice to see against the green leaves.  We were very cold last night, below freezing, and it isn't going to warm up much today.

A grain wagon sits abandoned without it's wheels.  I don't know the story as to why this is not on it's wheel base but there must have been a reason. There are two different wheel setups out there on the farm but both are without a rack or wagon bin.

It sits next to the barn door and the trees have grown up in front of the barn's two north doors.  No entrance or exit will be taking place until some serious tree trimming takes place.  There are other doors that are open on the south end so one can enter the barn.

I am a shop teacher today and it is cold out here.  It takes time to get the heat from the large shop repair area into the classroom.  One has to put a fan in the door and circulate the cold air and hot air until the room is warm.

It seems to be a bad start of a Monday for me but things will get better.  I have a good class right now and the rest of the day should be pretty mild.  The students are given study hall when they have woodworking to do as the teacher wants to be here for their construction work.

I return to the farm one last time today after school as to help ready the place for final inspection from the city.  We needed to clean up some things so they would meet safety codes even though it is a farm and not directly in a housing area. The farm does sit in the city as they captured the whole area many years ago to call it their own. There is another farm to the south of us and farm land to the west of us also.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Monday.


  1. Nice shot of the old grain bin. At first glance I thought it was a maple syrup evaporator.

  2. I never remember to bring in Hydrangeas to dry..they are so pretty ..even in the fall:)
