Monday, November 28, 2011

Gracie Jane........

This cute little girl came to visit us and our dogs on Saturday.  She belongs to my wife's first cousin. Her name is Gracie Jane and she is a Fox Terrier.  She seems small compared to our neighbors Jack Russell dog.

She was very well mannered and thought our dogs were a little loud.  She was not so shy as she was not use to so much noise.  Some of the things that she experienced in her past made her bashful or left her a lot of room to learn new things. She is out there learning new things everyday having been freed from a restricted life.  Her new owners are really nice to her as she is such a sweet little dog.

I keep posting things from the art show that we participated in a few weeks ago.  The ISU students help to design these drafting tables.  They were wired for a large drafting lamp and I bet it was designed to raise and lower for drafting work.

Our dog is doing well.  I told you earlier that he had started a hot spot on his inner leg.  His nervous condition that he created because he pulled out fur to get to a thorn or bur made him turn into a self destructing dog.  He ended up taking most all of his fur off of the inside of one of his legs and also a part of the other.  He would lick and pull hair night and day.  We had to sit with him continually to stop the behavior and to calm him down.  We found a spray that really did help it to stop the soreness and infection.

Two days ago it was complete calm.  He had finally healed up enough to not be bothered by it anymore.  His skin has all started new healing and he has just a little itching which he licks calmly and then he just goes to sleep. We keep spraying the disinfecting medicine on it because it has soothing ingredients in it.  He is back to acting like his normal poodle self.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Larry,

    Gracie Jane looks absolutely angelic, she has such petite legs, precious.

    -- gary

  2. So glad to hear that Button is all better! That Gracie Jane is awfully cute! :)

  3. Glad to hear you have conquered the problem with your pooch. We had a cat with the same issue, that unfortunately we finally had to put down (she developed other issues as well).
