Friday, November 11, 2011

Memorial Day

Jesse T. Burgus  1917-2000

I blog a lot about my dad's war days and how it effected our family so I won't do much more than just remember the day.  He loved Memorial Day purely because it was one more day that recognized all veterans of this nation.  Dad never ever felt that he had received much for all that he had given up in his youth.  I wished he had been alive and would have been able to see the Memorial in Washington D.C.  He would have smiled and cried through it all.


  1. I am proud of all our soldiers - past and present. We owe them a debt of gratitude. It's good that we honor them on this Veteran's Day.

  2. We have just returned from a Veteran's Day Memorial, I cried throughout the service.
    Thank you to your dad for his service, we owe them all so much.

  3. I am sure he would have enjoyed the memorials..I hope to see them all someday:)
