Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday's Things......

 This is another work by Carolyn Guay an artist who was showing at our event last weekend.  I really liked the things she created and the colors in this one are so rich.  Look closely at it and see how many different kinds of things that are in her tessellation design.

This is an archived photo of two bottles and a cuckoo clock planter.  The blue of this glass is so remarkable to see and the clock doesn't ever change it's time.  I haven't planted anything in it but maybe I will pick up a cactus or small vine for it.

I mulched-mowed my leaves yesterday and I am almost done.  I really don't have the need to have my grass looking like a freshly vacuumed living room carpet so you know I have left a few leaves out there.

My mower is in such bad shape as the oil needs to be changed again and the air cleaner gets filled up with the powder of the mulched leaves.  Because the oil is old it cloggs up the spark plug so all in all the owner needs to maintain his machinery.  I have mowed two yard with it for three summers and it is worn out because it was not made with great quality.  I call the mower a disposable as the country that makes them figures we will just throw them into the landfill and buy another one every couple of years.

Because of the problems it was having it quit working late in the afternoon.  I had all but one peony bush left to  pulverize and I had not made it to the dead zinnia patch.  So one more day and I will have that completed.  I will pull the zinnia stems and then mow off the debris under that.

In spite of our hard freezes that we have been having I noticed my mums were still hanging in for the last of the season.  I am assuming that they are sort of freeze dried and will turn brown eventually.

I miss all the color of the last three seasons and I am just gearing up to find appreciation for the white stuff.  Snow can be beautiful but I have to work myself into recognizing that at this time of the year.

Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. Me too about the snow..seems like you are busy doing the last of the Fall work. We bit the bullet and bought a brand new mower..our last one still runs but has been on its last legs for a couple of years..we will use it to mow trails in the is 13 years old. This time we got a Cub the way it mulches leaves!!
    Your Mums are lovely! It is nice to see a flower:)

  2. I like the blue bottles. I collect cobalt blue glassware. I am always on the lookout for new pieces.
    We are struggling here trying to get the fall yard work cleanup done. We only have one tree, but the neighbors have many and their leaves always seem to land in our yard, trapped in our fenced-in area. I wish we could mulch-mow, but the leaves are too thick, so we spend a lot of time on raking and bagging them. It is a real chore.
