Saturday, December 10, 2011

Checking in late today........

The last tree is up and I had to improvise.  I don't have a star or topper for this one as I used the star on the other extra tree.  Della's Irish doll works well as a semi angel doll.  I still have to get outside to do the lights but that just didn't happen today.

Have you ever had one of those days when everything you start as a project seems to take too long or it just doesn't work out to a finish.  I had too many mistakes and barriers that just kept the day being an unsuccessful one that I don't want to repeat.  The harder I pushed the more things just kept not working.  I just finished walking a few blocks to buy some heat to put into my car gas tank.  Hopefully the car will start by tomorrow morning.

We were at 7 degrees this morning as the temps dropped all night.  Then we had a southern wind and it is warming up again. It was melting snow this afternoon.  We are back down to 32 degrees F. now at 6 in the evening. 

Ah yes, there is another new day and I will be glad in it.



  1. I often have days like yours! (especially in the kitchen!!!) The tree is very pretty. Your weather sounds miserable. Wishing you a good Sunday.

  2. Yes Sunday already looks to be better. On days like this I should know better and just stop working. I aggravate the situation when I try harder rather than just back off and reevaluate. Deadlines should not be the driving force.

  3. I love the doll as the topper. One funny scene from a Harry Potter book is when he is spending Christmas with friends and he states something like..."nobody really even noticed that the angel on top of the tree was a gnome from the garden in a dress and wings." If you get to the library look up the book Order of the Pheonix (i think). The picture of the gnome will make you laugh.

  4. i have been corrected - she tells me that the book title is Harry potter and the half blood prince.
