Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Memory Lane........

While looking around in the old attic of the house on the farm I discovered an old toy barn that was just like mine.  I had a barn as a kid that was made of metal and the outside of it had painting of the scenes of barn boards and window details.  My brother in law who is teight years older than me must have had the same barn.  I found the sections of the sides of it in the attic with no base and no roof.   

This barn that I found  had no redeemable value other than I could see what some of it looked like. I asked the owner about it and he didn't seem to want to talk about it.  I don't know how it got to be in such a bad condition unless he had played war with it and it got torn up.

My barn went to the dump even tough it was in great condition.  My parents made two moves after leaving the farm so decided to ditch it during one of those moves.  These animals are about all I have left in which to remember the farm set.

Do you remember when I had so much trouble with finding this spring for my mower? I finally found it and now the mower a year later is about ready to be thrown away.  I wore it out from mowing two yards for three and a half years.  I put it in my trunk and removed it from my trunk  so many times that I have no fond memories of any of that situation.

Remembering the balloon festival two years ago.  I still enjoy seeing the photos from that event.  We just didn't get to go this summer but maybe next year.  I have a greater appreciation for the way they are inflated and on how they have so little control of where they are going with them.

We received word last week that my wife's aunt passed away.  She was the last surviving sister to my wife's dad.  We will be attending a graveside service on Wednesday.

I also received word yesterday that a distant cousin of mine had lost his wife to cancer.  She was ill last Christmas with the cancer which was far more serious that they originally believed.  We only communicate at Christmas so he shared about his lost in his newsletter.  They were cousin's through my John and Iva  connection for those who have followed me for a while. Carol was a profession singer and sang for church's and in various choirs in the Iowa City area.

My wife and I commented as we were putting up another Christmas tree as to how life can be so sad and happy at the same time.  We both have memories of so many lost this past ten years and losing another just reminds us of all of the other losses.

It is Tuesday already and I hope your day is a good one.  Thanks for stopping by to visit my memory lane blog.  I am a techie guy today and am having a break from the classroom.  I think I am more of a janitor that a techie this morning but the exercise is good for me.

1 comment:

  1. Love your toy farm animals, but then I think you've seen mine from my post back in the summer, along with the barn I got at the flea market.

    We seem to be living parallel lives today, if you see my post, about my cousin's passing.

    Grade 7 - nice kids but chatterboxes.
