Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday morning blue........

Have a good day.  Monday is what it is, as start of the week from a hectic weekend.  I am glad the cold is not so cold as when 35 degrees is warm, you know you have adjusted to winter. 

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you all are doing ok out there. 


  1. Love the royal blue ornament and its reflections, Larry.

  2. Even at 35 degrees, it has certainly been a mild winter so far. I am not complaining at all. No snow makes me happy and any day with a temp above 30 is an added blessing.

  3. Love the blue ornament! It was 27 degrees above zero here today..not much for snow yet:)

  4. Larry,

    Hallmark should be jealous, beautiful!!! - gary
