Sunday, December 4, 2011

Swan Sighting.........

As people in the north share their sightings of swans I am limited in finding any to see. I guess I could go to the pond at ISU and see their floating pair.  I could also go to the zoo in Des Moines to see the many that they have on their koi pond. 

At any rate I do have a guaranteed chance of seeing these swans at Christmas.  My wife made these as Christmas gifts many seasons back.  She had quite a few of them in the house until they were given out to friends and family members.  They really were special gifts.  The front swan who seems to be sniffing his decoration has an injury, probably because of my mom's cat.  We couldn't figure out why it was crooked and then realized that the material at the neck has been shredded by maybe a cat's claws.  Tiger was a neat cat and I hope he is doing well with his new owner's.  He was playful but not really destructive.  Well maybe the lazy boy  lounger did have a few shredded areas on it when we gave it away.

So it was a busy day yesterday and I didn't accomplish as much as planned.  I did get a frame job done that had been looming over my head for a while.

I am sure the grandma that hired me to do this will really enjoy remembering the wedding of her granddaughter.  I will remember how difficult that it was to pull it off. 

The background is shadow boxed behind that front mat so the booklet could have enough space to fit in there.  I have met those kinds of challenges of putting things in frames and I really am tired of problem solving them to get it to work.

I had a limited amount of the green mat board also and I was not allowed to make a mistake as there was never going to be any more of it to be purchased. I can not buy that color locally and I would be required to buy 10 sheets of mat board to receive any in a catalog.

I have three cowboy posters yet to frame and a horse painting of my wife's for a purchase.  I also have a lady waiting to bring in two crochet doilies to be done for Christmas.  It will be done by the dead line but I must not be sleeping on the job on getting them done.

A light snow today, as we missed them most of the white stuff.  We did receive a lot of rain the last two days so our moisture in the ground is better now.

Thanks for stopping by today and have a good Sunday.


  1. We aren't lucky enough to see any swans around here either - just a couple in captivity. I would love to see a whole flock gracing a lake. They are some of God's most beautiful creations.

  2. Your wife is very talented; the swans look life-like.

    I admire the great work you do framing pictures for folks.

    Glad you did not have a heavy snow. Hope you enjoy the rest of this day and have a good week.

  3. Some great framing ideas. Wish you were in the vicinity.

    Do you have a Michaels Craft supply nearby? I think I've seen various matboard colours there.

  4. Your Swans are pretty cool! I thought you were all done with the framing are such a can never say no:)
