Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday's Tidbits........

I put a dozen or so ornaments on this tree but didn't begin to get really close to being done.  I did sort out my large glass blown ornaments from the smaller ones.  I placed the small ones on a shorter tree as seen below.

The smaller ornaments are not all glass blown but are good replicas.  I though that this small tree just as well be put to use as it has been in storage for a couple of years.  It is about two and half feet tall and works great for sitting on an end table in the living room.  Two trees in the living room and there are no adults around to tell me it is against the rules.

A little hen sits on the branches as the lights reflect from it's shiny glass surface.  This is one of my ornaments from the Ten Days of Christmas set.

We survived a cold grave side service yesterday in Grimes, Iowa and afterward spent a good time with a few first cousins of my wife talking and remembering the past.  Great coffee and cake served in an older Gothic Lutheran Church that has been converted into a Bistro and art gallery.  It actually was the church that my wife's grandfather's generation help build and pay for during the depression years.  We were married in the church and it was nice to see they really haven't changed the building so much.  All of are saying that it could really be turned back into a church someday.

I am an English teacher again today. Drama, Brit. Lit. American Lit. Novels and speech are going to be my subjects of instruction.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. I love those little glass ornaments, so bubbly :)
    Hope your day is going well at school, I'm sure the students love you...

  2. You have two trees and I haven't even put up one. Guess I am a little behind. Those bubble lights are my favorite. We had them on our tree when I was growing up and I was always fascinated by them - still am.

  3. Love your trees and ornaments, Larry. Also, I note that your teddy bear mug reminds me of your wife's teddy bear on your other blog tonight!

  4. My cousin's funeral is tomorrow, but a seven hour drive away, so we have decided not to go - weather is too uncertain this time of year.

    Okay you may have me inspired to finally get out my blown glass birds for Christmas - will blog on them if I do get around to it.

    Grade 7 today - very chatty, silly bunch of little boys - but they are fun and not malicious at all. I'm the tie guy, so the other day I had this group, and five of them wore ties in honour of my being there - funny little dudes!

  5. making me feel guilty..I should start decorating..I love the bubble lights too!
    Good memories shared make the death of a relative easier to cope with :)
