Thursday, December 15, 2011

Train Wreck......

At Christmas time life always seems to be like a train wreck ready to happen. If things went the way we wished them to go we would be done with a lot of the projects that needed to be done.  Car break downs tend to throw up a roadblock and materials don't get purchased and presents don't get purchased.  Viruses that I bring home from school tend to delay the efficiency one needs to have at this time of the year.  People, who want things at the last minute are driving me crazy as I don't do the emergency last minute framing anymore.  People who want to make plans for me outside of the family thinking that I have all the time in the world to give up really don't realize that I don't.

I guess going into retirement so that I could rescue some of the important things in my life made me realize that others really like to take valuable time away from me.  I have my radar up now that lets me see the trains heading my way and I know to get off the tracks.  I really am not retired any more so I find us facing Christmas with that same panic again as we use to have.

I have two styles of trains that were my Dad's, a gift from my brother, many years ago.  I set up the track last year and this size of train really doesn't work very well as a toy.  I remember my boys being frustrated with it when they were young and Grandpa had received the gift.  I put the older fashioned train away in a box and I can't locate it now. This is the newer train of the two sets.

If I ever find the box with the other style of train in it, I will try to put it out too.  I think that last years train that I displayed went into my very full storeroom. It is a nice decoration at Christmas time.

We are down into the colder temperatures today with strong winds.  If you live north of us or east of us you will be feeling it soon. It is winter and I am glad the mud we have had the past two days is frozen up again.  Maybe that will help to dry it out so Barney doesn't get so messed up with mud in his paws.

Thanks for stopping by today. I am now in the Spanish room as a clerical error left them without a sub for the day.  I had originally been assigned a Special Education staff person to float in and out when they needed me.  I never really know who I am on a daily bases but I do feel like a good taco to eat would be good right now.

Oh yes, I didn't remember to mention until now that this is my 1000th post of Creative Zone.  It has been a fun ride and I will hang in there for a while longer.  Thanks for sticking by my site.


  1. You are very blessed to have these trains to enjoy. What a treasure.

    May God bless you and Della during this Christmas season. Thanks for sharing your Christmas decorations with us. Congrats on your 1000 post; I enjoy visiting with you every day.

  2. I wish you many more thousands of posts! Congrats! I enjoyed your train wreck today..and your train photos. Soon it will be Christmas Vacation:)

  3. 1000th post - wow that is a milestone, congratulations.

    It can be hard as an artistic person, keeping people from infringing on your time and abilities. Often you have to establish boundaries that you shouldn't have to.

    Grade 6, wonderful group, spent most of the day prepping for Christmas concert.

  4. COngrats, Larry on your milepost. We have never figured out how many posts we've done in our almost 2 years of bloggins. Yes, it is fun but sometimes time-consuming trying to keep up posting and reading others blogs. Enjoyed today's post about the trains. We have a small (live) tree set on a table this year, so no trains could be set up below. Thanks for sharing your layout. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
