Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday's Findings.....

Yellow Kitty is old, but she has a fat belly and she is doing well.  She spends her days in our upstairs bathroom.  She sits in the window and watches the world go by or she curls up in a ball on her towel and just sleeps.  It is a good life and she is ready to return to her basement territory in the evening finding a good place to sleep through the night.

The above picture was taken in spring and she is inspecting the soil and the bulbs that are starting to sprout. I think all cats have this indifference look or attitude most of the time but she can get real interested when it comes to food being put into a bowl for her.

It will be time to be bringing out the old train to place around the tree.  I have a choice of two different trains and will decide once the tree is in place.  The photo was a reference photo to help me draw and paint the wheels on our trolley mural.

It is December and I am wondering what happened to the year.  I did mark it off one month at a time but it seemed to go very fast.  Now that I am back in school working it seems to go faster, some weeks faster and slower other weeks.  Christmas break starts on the 22nd with an early out day.  I am going to enjoy and savor every free day of the break and rest.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and enjoy the weekend that is about to be upon us.


  1. I enjoy hearing about my blog friends' pets. Yellow Kitty is so sweet and her personality reminds me of our Kaboodle! (We call her "The Queen Mother!") Yesterday at the Vet, someone had left 2 cats who look like your Yellow Kitty in carriers by the door before they opened for business. The note said the owner could no longer afford to care for them. The Vet checked them out and decided to make them office managers! They named one "Pumpkin" and the other "Spice!"
    I can't wait to see your and Della's trees and the train set. Hope you both enjoy the weekend.
    My sis is looking forward to Christmas break from school too!

  2. It's called Cat-itude and yellow kitty looks like she is full of it. Got to love her though. Nothing wrong with having a little attitude.

  3. your angel seems serious and thoughtful - excellent choice.

  4. She's such a sweet girl !
    The year has flown by, I'm not nearly ready for the holidays...

  5. Larry,
    There are some days I am envious of Yellow Kitty’s daily routine. While I must note that life seems to be flying by as if I were watching from a window and like yourself I am pondering were the year has flown to. Can’t wait to see which train you chose for the tree this year. – gary

  6. Larry, sitting by a window and watching the world is not such a bad thing, maybe kitty has the "right" idea. The engel is fitting for the season.
