Friday, January 6, 2012

Architecture day.......

I seem to be too busy to get any photos taken so I will just throw in some archived ones.  I really enjoy architectural detail and take a lot of shots of the things that I see while I am out and about.

I added a lot of detail to my front porch.  It is a little over the top so to speak when you view the plain farmhouse style of my house.  Traditionally that was done to the farmhouses in the past when they added fancy porches with gingerbread brackets or elaborate bay windows with trim and brackets.

Storefronts in Bar Harbor are decorated with bay windows to create a harbor town effect of the days gone by.

Church structures become carbon copies as people have entered these places for years for worship.  Some modern churches today will continue to put a fake steeple on the front of a building to help us identify that it is a church.

This is an amazing building that was built in downtown Des Moines, Iowa.  It is an insurance building that has a half circle front.  I don't have the complete photo of this but it has twin towers of glass on each end then bows perfectly in the middle.  It gives you a great looking entrance to the building.

Shape, color, space, value and volume all create visual effects.  Tradition influences so much of our structures that we live with in our daily lives.  From a log home of the past to the Parthenon in Greece we imitate, enhance, rework and recreate the structures around us to make our lives better.

I am a sub for a teacher with another student teacher today.  He gets to teach two of the classes on his own and he is doing well with his first one right now.  We will have a good day and he will become a good teacher.

We will be living in the modern age again as our new refrigerator and clothes dryer will be delivered today.  It is an exciting day for us as we know that we  cold live without but we know that life will be a lot easier.  We can buy groceries again and keep them cool.

Thanks for stopping by my post on this Friday.