Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bird watching.......

It is warming up to 17 degrees today and the birds are hungry.  They have been feeding all along but the cold seems to really bring them to the feeder.   I know most of the birds and yet the junco is a new one for me and their are two kinds of mourning doves out there.  I don't have my woodpeckers id's always correct, so it is good to keep the book on the  dining room table ready for research.

Starlings or grackles are attacking the feeder close to the window.  I was waiting to take a shot of the sparrows at the feeder and things instantly changed.  The large birds hit the side and the top of the feeder and it was swinging and spinning in circles. I think they are grackles.  Can you see the one in mid air flying in from the right?

The English sparrow is a pretty bird and I really enjoy them at the feeder.  They are flying in by the dozens and eating everything they can find.

As you can see we don't have a lot of snow.  We missed a storm by about forty miles.  North of us they had a lot snow and schools were closed.  I bought a suet cake for the feeder today and  placed it out there before I took the photos.  Hopefully I will have some woodpeckers at the feeder.  I do think I  should bring the feeder a little closer to the window to help with the taking of  the photos.

It would be a good day to stay in today as the wind chill is really fierce today.  We will venture out this evening for a short time but we will be in for most of the day today.  It is suppose to be above freezing by Sunday afternoon.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. You have the perfect spot from the dining room window to bird watch. The sparrow is very cute. We had a lot of different woodpeckers at the old house in the woods. Here, I only see chickadees, mourning doves, mockingbirds and blue jays.

    Hope you both enjoy getting out this evening.

  2. Those darn grackles drive me crazy. They hog my feeders and drive off the little birds. I keep 8 feeding stations with different types of feeders so they all get a chance. We got ice and snow last night. There is a flurry of feathered activity at the feeders today.

  3. You have about as much snow as we do! Crazy weather. Keep feeding all the were lucky enough to get a Cardinal last winter..I hope you get one again! :)

  4. It's interesting that a bird that is so common here is so rare to see there. Juncos are here year round, I love watching them hop around under bushes looking for food. Looks like the perfect bird watching spot.

  5. Our bird feeder gives us a lot of pleasure winter and summer. Good shots, Larry!
