Monday, January 30, 2012

Birds in a bush....or cage

My yellow parakeet needs a new friend and I will try to find one in the next few months.  He lost his friend over a year ago.  He does have other birds in cages to relate to in the room but I just think he would be happier with company. I have put him in with finches but he is a little too aggressive when he tries to groom them.

A genetics class would enjoy plotting the offspring of my cockatiel pair.  My male is gray with a yellow head and his main tail feathers are white and yellow. The female is solid gray. Below is a picture of two of their family.

The female gray above and her brother, yellow headed guy, don't look exactly like their parents.  They have parts of their coloring. The male has his dad's yellow head and the female has yellow streaks in which her mother did not have.

This male offspring looks exactly like his brother.  The three of them hang out together in their cage.  They like to squawk at me just for fun when I put seed in their feeders. The do look you in the eye and try to discuss things of importance.  Fresh water makes them very happy and they usually tell me so.  They like to sound off when they hear the trumpet player playing on the Sunday Morning show on TV.

Old post of 2009 about the birds.


  1. I loved seeing the pictures and hearing of their antics! Have a nice Monday, Larry.

  2. We used to have birds..loved them ..well most of them. Pearl was a Cockatiel I purchased at a garage sale complete with a cage. She hated me and adored my husband. She was a turd bird. Charlie was a beautiful Parakeet..he loved Rock and Roll Music..and would be bop all day long..he was something else. If I had birds again..I would have a separate room for them..or at least a separate area. As you know they are a bit of work..spitting seeds. I used to clean the cages every other day:)
